Refinery and Petrochemical GC applications
GC custom turn key configurations
Sampling systems
Systems design and automation
Agilent Chemstation applications
Vendor selection
Instrumentation Services:
GC service
GC preventive maintenance
Custom, turn key applications
Valved GC configuration
Refinery and Petrochemical Methods development
Agilent Chemstation remote and on site support
Introduction to gas chromatography. A custom course tailored to provide lab technicians with fundamental knowledge and hands on skills.
Capillary gas chromatography. A custom course designed to introduce lab technicians to Capillary GC hardware, methods, operation, and development. Emphasis is placed on your samples, columns, and methods so that the technician is prepared to maintain and troubleshoot capillary systems.
Logical troubleshooting. A custom course designed to train your technicians to identify, isolate, and eliminate problems efficiently, and effectively. Course includes instruction in record keeping and shared learning.
Gas Chromatography instrument operation, maintenance, and repair. Training tailored to your instruments and methods.
Valved gas chromatography applications, maintenance, and repair. A course designed to educate and release your staff in the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of your valved application GC instrumentation.
Introduction to Agilent Chemstation and Chemstation level 1 operator training – a custom course designed to train lab technicians in basic Chemstation operation including method and run control, instrument parameters, integration, peak identification, calibration, and sequences. Includes hands on lab with your samples.
Agilent Chemstation level 2 operator training – a custom course designed to equip your lab technicians in Chemstation method development, parameter optimization, troubleshooting, automation, and custom reporting. Course includes hands on lab working with your samples or assisting with specific problems.
Agilent Chemstation level 3 operator training – a custom course designed to equip technicians as support providers or in specific operational or development tasks.
Openlabs CDS Training now available … [ CLICK HERE ] to learn more.